Eijiro Tokunaga, a potter in Arita, is a unique figure who continues to create earthenware works at the heart of the porcelain production region. The charm of Tokunaga’s works lies in the deep and rich scenery achieved through carbonized firing and the diverse expressions of glaze. Each piece reveals various expressions depending on the user’s perspective. In this exhibition, we will showcase a wide range of works that are available for purchase, including the refreshing blue Hagi glazed ware, new tea bowls ”tabi-chawan,” and the classic carbon-fired sake cups. We invite you to explore these vessels that combine both the joy of appreciation and practicality.

Dates: 18th (Fri) – 29th (Tue) August, 2023 
10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. *Closed on Sundays and public holidays
Venue: HULS GALLERY TOKYO (Akasaka/Roppongi, Tokyo)
Dialogue with Artist: 18th (Fri) and 19th (Sat) August
* Please note that the event details are subject to change. For the latest information, please check our website or SNS.

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